Things I Want My Kids to Know

Hey. This list is mostly so I don't lose it, but it might be helpful for you as well. It'll be updated as time goes on too.


Always give mom a hug and a kiss when she gets home

Always say thank you, even if it’s expected

Hold the door open for everyone

Start and end your day in prayer

Always say thank you for a gift, even if you don’t like it

Make sure you get an oil change every 3,000 miles

When you’re hanging out with friends, put your phone away

Look people in the eyes when they talk to you

Look both ways when you cross the street

Jesus loves you more than mom and dad

Mom and dad love you more than anyone else

All of your money and stuff belongs to the Lord. He’s just letting you use it

It’s okay to be mad at God

It’s okay to be mad at mom and dad

It’s okay to show your emotions

Control your emotions, don’t let your emotions control you

Always sit in the front of class

If you’re on time, you’re late

Hold your friends to a higher standard

Be quick to forgive and slow to forget

If someone is sitting by themselves at lunch, go sit with them

It’s okay to ask questions if you don’t understand

Your tithe check is the most important check you write

Always round your tithe check up

Always bring a pen/pencil to class

Save more than you spend

Don’t sit next to the wall when you play dodgeball or you’ll get a double bonk

Always watch your surroundings

Trust your gut

Always do the right thing, even if no is watching

If someone lets you borrow their car, give it back with a full tank of gas

Be kind to everyone

Your siblings are your best friends

Respect those in authority even if you disagree with them

It’s okay to be wrong

God has a plan for your life

If someone criticizes your work, they aren’t criticizing you as a person

Mom is always right

Mom and dad will always love each other

You can always talk to mom and dad

Value experiences more than things

Be generous with your time and money

You can’t outgive God

Give to those who can’t give anything to you

Say yes when you can and no when you have to

Try new things

Be a better person tomorrow than you were today

Check your blind spot

Let people in when they want to merge

Protect girls

Stand up for people being picked on

Don’t be afraid to fail

Always have a hobby

It’s okay to cry

It’s okay to make mistakes

God has written the name of your spouse on your heart

Nothing is as bad as it seems and nothing is as good as it seems

God is always faithful, even when you’re frustrated

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